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BMI Calculator

Name Singer Year

BMI Overview

General Overview of BMI

  • Knowing your BMI range is the first step in your journey toward a heathier life
  • BMI stands for body mass index
  • The aim of the BMI calculator is to find out if a person is overweight, underweight or have a good weight.

First Steps

Good fitness advice

  • Without data about your body your weight loss journey will be exponential harder
  • You might have anxiety/insecurity about certain aspect about yourself, which is very normal, and hard to face
  • But I promise the feeling of improvement and success will far out way the feelings of insecurity you will have currently

BMI Calculator


  • A great informational tool to find your BMI along with more info about the topic is this website

Next steps

What to do with this info

  • With this data you just found make a goal for a obtainable range that you will be able to reach in 6-12 months
  • And head to the next part of your fitness journey: Nutrition