Night at the Museum

Computer Science

Backend and Persistence

  • Striver is a social media website that allows people to like posts that other users posted. On the website the user can make a post and talk about anything on it. It also has an inspirational quote generator that uses an API to fetch data on random quotes
  • Quinn Eliabeth was an online shopping website. Its frontend was amazing. You could pick pieces of clothing and add them to cart. It adds to your overall price.
  • Scheduler was a website that allowed you to add events to a calender. It also used an API to fetch weather data. You input a city and it gives you the weather of that city.

Computer Animation

Backend and Persistence

  • Computer animation was a great experience. Stundets created a whole entire 3D virtual wrold. There was donuts, tables, and walls in the one I looked at. It looked as if a cartoon could have been developed from this.


Backend and Persistence Backend and Persistence Backend and Persistence

  • I was in ceramics last year and I have it second trimester this year. It was a very fun class and this night reminded me of that. The stuents created great projects.

Drawing and Painting

Backend and Persistence Backend and Persistence

  • Drawing and painting is not my strong suit. This is why I think it is so much more impressive what some of these studetns are able to accomplish. There were many different great drawings. There were realistics portraits as well as creative chaos.

What I can do Better


  • The Night at the Musuem taught me many things
  • Making a calender through fastpages
  • Using a large API to fetch data that only can be accessed through an input. The API from my project was just a table. It was very basic and I think I can make it more complex.
  • Quinn Elizibeth taught me that by adding up values of the prices of clothes you can make a final checkout price. I could use this in a different way such as a math system. Maybe a calculator.
  • Striver showed me that making a social media platform is possible. I could maybe use this as a system to make posts on another website.

How to get a better grade

  • Throughout the trimester I thought I could get away with only getting 2.7s every week and end wiht an A. However when I did this it lowered my grade much more than I thought. It meant my grade heavily depended on the final. Now I am in a situation where I might get a B if I didn’t meet the critera of the poject.
  • I will also make sure to pay more attention in class. I wasn’t paying as much attention as I shoud have during lectures
  • I need to work harder in class so I don’t have to do my projects on the weekends.
  • I have to also read more on the scheldule so I can do assignments correctly.