Laurie Santos Notes

“Psychology and the Good Life” Analysis

Main Idea

Main Points

  1. Materialistic items and short term events are only a small stimulate of happiness. Real happiness comes from success. When people do things that will benefit their worth and value that is when they are happiest.
  2. Being social is important for happiness. As humans we are social creatures so we must communicste with others all the time to stay happy.
  3. You have to practice the knowlege she is giiving you. Knowing how to better your life is one thing but you have to actually act to make change.
  4. Be grateful for everythign you have. If you appreciate what you have and don’t only think about what you can have you will be happier. This is because you will be happy with your life. You won’t want more and if you are completley happy with your life there is no reason to be depressed.
  5. You are not stuck at one state of wellness. You are able to change your state of mind. Pur own doing and improving our lives is half of our well-being while the other half we are born with
  6. Your brain lies to you o what you want. It may tell you you want to have a materialistic item but really you want to better your life. Drugs a short term stimulate that make your life worse in the long run.

Gratitude note

My Friend


Gratitude list
