Questions Missed 61/66


  1. I got question 5 wrong. I got it wrong because I put B instead of C. This question is asking about code segments accourding to ticket prices. It uses conditionals to sort out the price for ages. What I got confused with is that I put an if else statment instead of making if is3D true. The else statment isn't specific enough for the computer.


  1. I got question 35 wrong because I put B instead of C. The question was askign about copy rights. I thought that B was correct because it was talking about a peer ro peer network. I thought that this meant something where the work was shared between a school or something. I thought that they woulnd't flag each other for copy right. The correct answer is D because it says no rights reserved.


  1. I got question 37 wrong because I pu B instead of C. It is asking about two code segments and describing them. I thought that code segment 1 didn't display the correct averee because I thought the sum/length was wrong. It was right so segment 1 did display the correct averege. However it does not require more arithmetic operations


  1. I got question 56 wrong becasue I put B instead of D. The question was asking about a code segment and desribing the result. i said that the result would be integers 0-20 because the sum starts at 0. But it actually starts at 1. I thought it ended at 20 because it counted by 2 so it couldn't be odd. So D is correct.


  1. I got question 64 wrong because I put C and D instead of B and C. I thought that cloud computing has reduced concerns about intellectual property rights because it allows for saved data between multiple devices. However instead, it enhanced collabaration becuase of different devices.
