

Questions I got wrong

  1. I got question 10 wrong: Personal cybersecurity risks. It asks which of these situations is the greatest risk to cybersecurity. I read the question as LEAST greatest risk to cybersecurity causing me to pick B. This answer was paying a bill to a secure electronic payment system. The correct answer is C which is emailing a credit card number to a hotel. This is not secure at all becuase the people could use your information.


  1. I got question 29 wrong. This question was asking about a code segment and if the code segment displays a certain text. I did not understand this question very well. I put answer C which said true false true. I put this because the variables a, b, and c were defined as such. I did not understand what the code after that did so I thought it was meant just to throw me off. The correct answer is false, false, false. This is because the two code statments changed variables a and c. The a was changed to false because b was true thus not b is false. The statement then is false. The next one defines c as false because a is now defined as false making c false. If I got the correct answer on the fourth line of code I would have got it correct.


  1. I got question 50 wrong. It was asking about the run time of four different algoritms. I put algorithms A and C when the correct answer was A and D. I put C because it increases by multipling by n. This seemed efficiant to me because there was one calculation. however the correct answer was d because it squares n and this shortens it by using polynomial efficiantcy.



  • Over all I think I did pretty well but I can work on reading the questions more closer. I try to do the questions fast to simulate what would happen on the AP test. I don't have infinate time on each question so I can't take much time. However, when I do this I may rush a question
  • I can also work onapplying code and algorithms to certain situations.