
  • They are making a spreadsheet with list of clubs
  • They want club executives to confirm clubs
    • Makes it easier to verify
  • Club listing database
    • When a club signs up it will automatically make a row in the database
    • Clubs can only edit their code
    • An Admin can kick anyone if need be
    • Clubs can update and delete their information
  • Club review database
    • Students can review the club from comments
  • Clubs are required to meet minutes
    • They have to go through a length and unorganized process of documenting in person
      • They can just put in their documents into a database
  • Club Search
    • They can search a topic of interest
  • Made a spreadsheet to stay on track
  • Made scrum board
  • Stated purpose of project
  • Explained backend and frontend
  • Met CRUD and collegeboard criteria
  • Plans
  • Showed manifesto


  • We can make our scrumboard much more specific. We need to add dates and make it more organized. Also we can add more specific tasks
  • We also can make a spreadsheet to be more organized.
  • We can use a database where people input their weight personal records and keep on updating it
    • We can make it to where they can only edit their own
    • We need to be able to explain what is frontend and what is backend
  • We have to make sure every feature meets college board requirements
  • Maybe we can implement an admin in our project
  • We can make a search feature in our website such as search for exercise